Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a Day!

LooKs like aLmosT aLL of our Genk went to Joanne's house that day except for Celynn..huhu..it's all her cousin's fault...huhu...

I've just check ouT our genk's blog...it was design by Celynn and as always,the results is Very impressing evrytime..check this out- our new blog-<
http://genkkaratz4ever.blogspot.com/>..haha..it was really cute...Kawaii as Jpanese used to say...haha...

Today is juSt another tiRing day...argH! BoreD at scHooL..wenT to audition for the dance pon tiba2 teda mood...Coz we were teached by our Teacher aka Student,<Corina,Mich,and Myra> which I consider theM as the PRO oneS...haha..weLL,I got to admit,I admire them....so Lecak diz bdan dorang...haha...Lecak smpai blh bend bdn cam Cicak...no la..I mean they r reaLLy proS..haha..LOL...Then,me and Col8 and Leona was like..'okayyyy....this is HARD'...We alMost Quit buT I decided to sTay a Lil' Longer coZ I saiD to Col8..."If I jusT quiT Like This,I might as well quit earlier and StuDy at HoME"...so,me and Col8 got into a little discussion (I don't paksa her la to ikut it and all that BUT maybe what I've said may let them to think that I paksa them) and we both agree that we'll quit if we had to audition again tomorrow coz today's audition didn't turn out to run smoothly...which made Leona to CONFIRMED quit from the auditioN..

But then...we were stnading in the rain with Nuthin' to do as the Dewan was used by the
TRIPPINGS to play a lil' soccer...so that's explain why we didn't have nothin' to do...so,I want to confirmed with Corina if me and Colet are out or NoT...so,she kira2....and then she said if me and Col8 didn't quit,then they will have all the members that they need....she didn't actually say that we're in...she just said that 'if kamu tdk quit,then kt cukup org..."so,when I hear the word 'IF', I was like.."okay...make a CONFIRMED statement please, ARE WE IN OR WE"RE OUT?" but as always,I didn't actually say that out loud...it's just me talkin to myself...Eventhough Corina said that me and Col8 joined the dance but I can't be happy just yet....coz we haven't had the full statement from the other terer dancers...so,I'm still clueless about my position right now....huhu...But I oredy sign up for the choir team...So,basically, I pass the audition...
haha..Actually,there is no audition...Ckgu Awang said audition unnecessary if u got good voice but failed to come to the choir practice...So,me , Celynn, Leona and Colette sign up for it...But the other genk don't want to join..eee...sayang owh...

Today kan...byk kali oredy I was caught looking at HIM...and the one who caught me looking is the person himself...and I was like...'shYT,did he notice that?"..and my face was like SOOO RED
and I realise that many times oredy Joanne ask me.."ko okay ka nie Jess?"...and I didn't answer her prperly...I just glared at her..haha..LOL.....WeLL,what can I say...I'm totally speechless when I'm embarressed...haha...of course la..siapa la bha yg tdk...Time Chemistry la tue yg byk kali...eee.."SHTYS HAPPENS!"...huhu..malu la sy...Then,Teacher Patty gave us a few subatomic particles exercises about the electron arrangmnt and bla..bla..bla...so at the end of the task,we were ask to tick other people's paper...it's like exchanging paper la...and Leona nie sengaja lagi bg His paper to me...and ask me to give it to him after correcting it but at last, I didn't even give it to him...instead,I ask Leona to pass it to his group's table...hahahaha...wakakaka...And at the end of the lesson,we were ask to line up.. then,his position is parallel to me(is the term correct?hehe..I don't give a damn about Maths right now)..then,Celynn said.."ee..selari owh!"and I was blushing..well,i hope she didn't see me blushing..haha...But a few second before Celynn said that,Cat was calling Oxford to say something about his paper...and I was like..searching for Oxford but accidentally I looked at him...okay,guys...it's just an accident,okay...annnndddd.....He caught me again..looking at him BUT it a mistake..just an accident..hahaha....LOL..

fuh!panjang juga crita nie...rajin owh me...kalu dipantau dri Blog genk lain(ui,ber-BM2 lg owh),only me yg rajin mo taip panjang2...haha...

huhu..better get some sleep now....i'm so tired after all those homework from mATHS to PsyHic to Sejarah NoteS....LuckiLy,no aDD MAths...


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