Wednesday, March 4, 2009


nOW,nOW people..I didn't mean STAY ALIVE,the one in the movie...

BUT..I was referring to ME...Struggling to STAY ALIVE!
Im so stressed rite now..keep thinking if I'd still be in the science stream next monday or Im dead...huhu..
I really ShyT'in FreaKin SUCK in ALL the subject I've taken from MONDAY til NOW...

BIOLOGY,the 1st paper...What I've read from Friday for BIOLOGY didnt even give and support me during the exam...that make me soooooo-freakin-FRUSTRATED...until I totally suck my SEJARAH!....I know,I know...i shouldnt be thinkin abt BIOLOGY during SEJ~but...I DID!

SEJARAAAAHHHHH!!!!! i could have gotten good mark in ESSAYYYY! IF ONLY I DIDNT GIVE THE WRONG ANSWER!..The essay was abt TAMADUN INDUS...bUT 100% of my ANSWER is abt TAMADUN MESOPOTAMIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sob*sob*(TEARS OF BLOOD)

YesterDay was a total DISASTER...I didnt fnish answering BM....yup..Ididnt answer the TATABAHASA part....*What Happen?*... As I was enjoying writing my RUMUSAN and Pemahaman And NOVEL.....

Me: lalalala.....*singin' wit a happy tune*
Teacher Judy : 20 minutes left....
Me : Lalalllllllllll..........WHATTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!
Me (again) : $*%@!%#~%^^$#^#@!^@~!#%%^^$@@!....*20 minutes later*...&%#@!~!&*())?"L*^%$#!........*and the word goes on and on and on and on*

and then Rueben david...ARGHHHH!!! I HATE HIM!!!!
Me : still "^@%$@#$!".....
Rueben DAVID: Jess, apa tema novel?
Me : *ARGHHHHH>>! sdh la org TAKANAN,ko p tya lagi?!
Me : huhu...kecekalan dan kegigihan......*dgn rela nya hati,tpaksa la bg or HE WILL NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE!*
Rueben : Persoalan?
Me : *tgh PANAS sdh tp bagi jg* ....huhu..Taat kepada Agama...

And then,tym to pass up oredy...after that~
Voices here and there,saying ...."ee,kau dpt ka jwb?" and "eee...susah cukup masa!" and a few more....If I tell,the list goes on forever....

And then...CHEMISTRY...ahhh..At least,ini boleh tlg sy lar~...

During the Exam

So Damn Hard owh!

I was really Damn Confuse with all the Chemical reaction and things abt Empirical formula and CHO2HO3*or watever that is*...Teacher Patricia told us to go to Xtra class on Thursday night..But it was postponed...
then replaced with Saturday afternoon,then postponed again!replaced on Monday.....
on Monday?! NO CLASS AT ALL!ARGHH!!!Teacher Pat didnt finish teaching us Chap 3 and we didnt even fully understand Chap 4~When going down....bla bla bla....~


and then, today~
From last week lg...This day would be marked as the EXTREMELY HARD-CONFIRM GAGAL-subject exam day... Add MATHs and PSYHIC!

I totally gonna fail ADD mATHS..
the simultaneous equation part? okay....but the one on the quadratic equation and the triangle and square thingy? =>blank basically...I didnt jawab 6 question...No. 2,3,4,5,9 and 10...No,12(c)(d) confirm Salah!


Physic...didnt turns out to be extremely hard..luckily~fuh!...can relax a bit..can jawab all but confirm many salah....But at least it is not a tough as CHEMISTRY(the subject that I thought would score me marks didnt turn out to as easy as I thought it would be)....Then Rueben pun blk2 tya again...I feel like he ask me answers in all of our paper...some I lied to him..I said "dunno"..then he said "tambirang!"...ergggghhhh! I feel like slapping him and kicking him and punching him....coz at that time,I was so stress oredy....and he sempat lg call me mcm2..luckily Im patient..he even CURSED me...."shyt kau blk la rueben..haha..."..but I dont dare to say those words during this lent season....

subject for 2morow :EST and P.MORAL...
after doing some exercises on EST..i feel a lil' bit relax oredy....I'll be hoping these subject would give me reasons to STAY ALIVE!haha..kiddin...I just hope that at least there's gonna be subjects that I wont fail...

Bha..p study lu...~toddles!~

Fuh..Edible next week's saturday oredy owh...and we havent done anything...bru mo start this friday...

Activity this month:-
~ Choir ( lawan peringkat zon owh..*a famous word these days..LOL*no more LOL*)
In the future, Maths Olympian
...haha..dont care if we win anything as long as dapat kokum marks..peringkat kebangsaan owh...and the dancing thingy
..dont know if it still-in-progress-and-will-be-done or not...k la,ByE!~


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