There's been many things goin' on since I updated my blog...Since then,I got the choir competition goin' on and the dancing thingy and PBL*heck* and my studies and then,chorals speaking will be next...
Heck,I've been a very busy2 bee in my family...just keeping up with things...I wonder if other people is busy too...hmmm-mmm-mm?(huh?)

At least,I can go on9 again! something to be happy about..and also Joanne's birthday party...can't wait to trash her place this Sat...that'll be so C~ool..
I'm so hating Psyhic and Bio...Today's lesson on Bio is so confusing...even Teacher Collin is confused...and I hate doing the PEKA......
So,that's basically my day today and, be ready for the next post..hope to post something about the majlis anugerah this Fri..and I'll give the scoop on it...(what theheck with my tunggang-langgang,even I-myself don't understand what I am writing :p thats why it says *...@.@...S.O.T!*)
cian jes...
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