huh! today was stressfully-hot day...Luckily, Redaksi was assigned to take pictures on that event which make us escaped the heat...hahaha....sorry for those who suffer...I really have fun today taking pictures..I never thought that taking would be fun..teehee! Anyway,here's a few snaps of the event..

*ikut tune lagu "ini la barisan kt"*
Ini la barisan kita~barisan gong skolah~

Teacher M A! and the Gangs~

Ini la pasukan pemungut Tin..kesian...
*tdk termasuk ckgu Hanis and the other cikgu..sorry,sy lupa nma dia*

Jessie dgn tekunnya..

Gerakan Pengawas of the day

Cat: Bluekz..

Nie la juara bertahan yg berjaya overcome
The heat of the sun today!

Apa yg lawak sangat nie?

Uich,apa yg korang tgk tu?

oi,yg tgh tu..bida..


We made it!

Gio Blur >.<
That's all for now...
BYk lagi but malas mo upload...
YEN, THE ONE NEXT TO HANIS IS YEN!!!!!! i think remembered! I forgot already oh eventhough Im still here....
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