Ever experiencing it all in one day??
If you have,then you must know how I feel...
Its been a very tiredsome week for me...
*sorry if my grammar sucks or wrong spelling*
I've been hurt psyhically and emotionally
I hurt my knee because of kawad kaki and standing in choir for too long
Both event didnt give any good to me
Been practicing choir for a long time now,and
it turns out,our choir didnt win any place...
And a team from Maktab Sabah
won the 3rd place
the performance is among the best I've seen la
for Konven St. Francis...Congratz for ur outstanding performance
u deserve no.1,
*i think*hope not because of branding!*
if bcoz of branding,
then,there's no way SMSM gonna win Choir 4 EVA!
i'll die...
and SMK Tansau? u deserve no.2 too....
i like ur performance....
SO,in order to get SMSM title in the choir back,
next year,we'll be the one screaming like hell
and be the one who come back school with a smile...
And today,kena halau from kaWAD team...
it was rather dissapointing....
but what to do?
they are right...they've done kawad practice until "perfect"
so,we cannot just jump into the team without practicing
well,I missed the practice many time because of choir...
But,today they've done their best and it's worth it..
*although I heard rumours that 4A won no.5 title*
what can u expect?Our boys is not cooperative well
they act like silly selfish "kids"
And I've been very aggrassive this week
I make fights instead of peace
I make enemy instead of friends
I make anger instead of solitude-ness
I make tears instead of laughes
and I make HATE instead of LOVE
I was hurt
And no one knew abt it more than God
everyone have been through sadness but never this
I know everyone knew SAD
but never this
Its been a very ups and downs week for me...
I've seen new teachers, new lovers,new rumours,new gossips
*but i aint spreading them*I know they arent true*
but most of all,
I've learned new challenge
new experience
a wholesome of
life changing lesson
*which reminds me of choral speaking*
but life must goes on...
every cloud has a silver lining,
look at the better side of life....
Yesterday is history;
tomorrow is a mystery;
today is a gift,
that is why it is called "present"
and lastly,
Stop judging people or you'll never had the chance to love them