I had my Last-minute sweet 16 party...
Only wit GKs bcoz i didnt have tym to plan and set things up...
At first, i dont have the mood to celebrate bcoz I tot " wat to celebrate??Its just a ordinary one which i'll have evry year..."
But then, things change...bcoz I tot " hey,this is ur birthday..u r GETTING OLD!!! Celebrate it while u can"...
So, I plan pun yg last minute...
I plan the party 6 hrs b4 the party...
Could u imagine??!..haha....But I was rather shocked and happy bcoz the party run smoothly and in a fun way....although it is last minute...
The anime Leona showed us was really FUNNY!!
Especially the part abt the exam...
DEATH the KID was so hilarious...I wish i could pinjam the anime from leona soon...
First thing to do is get a pendrive..bcoz I really need it...
I lost mine ...urggg..Im so careless..
After I got home...
My family took me to dinner...
I was so tired that I dont have the mood to laugh..
after that, I cried*when they arent watchin'* bcoz I regret it...
I regret that I didnt make a happy face wit them..
they r really trying so hard to cheer me up..
and I only able to look lifeless in front of them....
We went to a Japanese Steamboat Restaurant.....
The place has only few food...i couldnt even eat a single food..
bcoz i dont even know wat im eating since its a japanese restaurant....
and not to mention,few customers...only two...
and there's this food which look like intestine...but its a fish covered with edible plastic which is rolled in "panjang2" way...

Sorry..Its terbalik...I 4got to rotate it...hehe..

I really love it..
bcoz baru2 nie, i went fishing wit my family...
and I think I love fishing..hahaha..
I feel so calm...bcoz I get to feel the breeze of the sea...
Here it is....
Its so cool...It looks like a bit gothic or emo...but at least its stylish..
maybe all these while,my parent thought that's my style..but im not emo okay..
It has "RAVEN"written on it...with cool..mcm wing si celine pulak tu...

im so happy..i feel like hugging them but i dont dare...hehe...^.^..I never hug my mother since im little..huhuT.T
After that...tym to open my friends' presents!!!especially from GK...

They r all awesome...
I got
- 2 super cool and stylish and very pretty T-shirts...
1 from leona,and 1 from celine......OMG! I really love the tulisan and pokok kelapa from leona's and the glittery butterfly from celine's.....I cant wait to wear it...THANK U LEON and CEL!!!
- A very cool Cancer gelas which i love sooooo MUCH!!! and a bracelet and anting2...
I really love the graphics on the trendy and ELEGANT..the bracelet was so pretty!!!!!!!!....I love it...!!!!Thanx Joanne!!!! sayang ow i didnt have any lubang anting2 on my telinga..oredy tutup ow...
- the biggestpresentwrapped from cat is satu bantal...
so kawaii....^.^....and comfy too....really love it...special lg tu...bukan calang2 man...after this,i cant enjoy my sleep...without having any difficulties.....yeah!!!!!!!!!Thanx Cat!!!!
- kawaii/ super cute small patung from yvonne!!!
btl2 mcm dlm sticker yg yvonne usually use...they r really pretty and cute...alar..kalau gini,tpaksa la sy di uluk oleh caselle..kuwang hasam..nnt dia ckp sy suka patung lg...kuwang hasam punya cousin!...
- and lastly, a "kidz" patung from daniel...
hahaha...KIDZ lg tu...hahaha...I am really shocked when I heard from cat that daniel had actually bought me present...haha..never really expecting it....cute!^.^..kawaii punya patung...huhu...i feel guilty that i didnt even remembered his birthday*but now i know la*..and didnt give him any present...huhu..anyway,GAMSAHAMNIDA*ngam ka itu spell dia?* oppa!! lost contact oredy ow..
I REALLY LOVE My birthday this year....It's not much but I have all the people I love celebrating it with me....
I got
- 2 super cool and stylish and very pretty T-shirts...
1 from leona,and 1 from celine......OMG! I really love the tulisan and pokok kelapa from leona's and the glittery butterfly from celine's.....I cant wait to wear it...THANK U LEON and CEL!!!
- A very cool Cancer gelas which i love sooooo MUCH!!! and a bracelet and anting2...
I really love the graphics on the trendy and ELEGANT..the bracelet was so pretty!!!!!!!!....I love it...!!!!Thanx Joanne!!!! sayang ow i didnt have any lubang anting2 on my telinga..oredy tutup ow...
- the biggestpresentwrapped from cat is satu bantal...
so kawaii....^.^....and comfy too....really love it...special lg tu...bukan calang2 man...after this,i cant enjoy my sleep...without having any difficulties.....yeah!!!!!!!!!Thanx Cat!!!!
- kawaii/ super cute small patung from yvonne!!!
btl2 mcm dlm sticker yg yvonne usually use...they r really pretty and cute...alar..kalau gini,tpaksa la sy di uluk oleh caselle..kuwang hasam..nnt dia ckp sy suka patung lg...kuwang hasam punya cousin!...
- and lastly, a "kidz" patung from daniel...
hahaha...KIDZ lg tu...hahaha...I am really shocked when I heard from cat that daniel had actually bought me present...haha..never really expecting it....cute!^.^..kawaii punya patung...huhu...i feel guilty that i didnt even remembered his birthday*but now i know la*..and didnt give him any present...huhu..anyway,GAMSAHAMNIDA*ngam ka itu spell dia?* oppa!! lost contact oredy ow..
I REALLY LOVE My birthday this year....It's not much but I have all the people I love celebrating it with me....
hehehe,glad u like 'em. leona takut sua tu kalo ko tdk suka t-shirt kuning yg b'corakkan pokok klapa. thank god u like~
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