Hehe...before I sleep...I want to take this tag first...
1.Do you think you're hot?
wkakaka....funny..LOL...I think I am 100% not HOT
but Ms. Pat said*have to be confident*
so,might as well say I'm hot...haha
2.Upload a favorite picture of yourself.

3.Why do you like the picture?
bcoz i'm in my confirmation dress...
4.When was the last time you ate pizza?
I dont remember the date and time but i do know it was after last december when Joanne and her family belanja us aftr takin' our PMR result...im not really into pizza but I'll definitely like that pizza! Thanx Joanne
5. What was the last song you listened to?
Halo by Beyonce
6.What are you doing right now besides this?
managing my blog and checkin' my MyYearBook profile..
7.What name do you prefer than this?
I love so many names BUT i think i want to stick with Jessica only la.
Those who will be tagged
1. Taiko Baby
2. Celynn * I hope she hadnt been tagged...if so,-sorry...*
3. Cat *he he*
4. Mc
5. Leno *sorry leno! I know u dont like it very much..
but u dont have to do it if u dont want*i dont have any choice*
8.Who is number 1?
si Taiko kunun..yg hp dia kana downgrade tu..
9.No3 having relaitionship with?
Ehem...ehem...sorry cat,sy tbatuk2 bha ni..
10.Say something about number 5
she's a good,nice and cute/pretty gal..
11.How about number 4?
she's funny, supportive and cute/pretty gal..
My supportive and an expert in HTML and XML and stuffs..
lol me lh good? haha it's ok bh juz tag only. If i din do it mls lh dat haha...
mcm sy tau ja org num 12
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