Sunday, March 29, 2009
LOL-ing hard!*doesnt make sense*
luckily for me,there r girls here at QTECH cyber in Millenium too..he he..before we jln kaki from ruma,my bro forced me to disguise as a boy...and I think I suck hard on it..I look like a sissy than a boy...I was nervous too before entering here...takut2 nnt all d boys juz stare at me but now,thats not what happen at all...Im enjoyin my moment here...with all the gamers...I've just tried to play crysis but so lama to load, so i quit..then i play,Need For Speed n' as usual, I won d first race*as easy as breathin la*kacang ony la*...but legging the game owh..noob la.!so i quit the game and begn checkin my fs and myyearbook..
"oi,ssedia! (moments later) alala...kalah"..(conversation of a gamer here)
haha..another gamer loses..funny diz..Its lyk they r shouting in d cyber...signaling their teammates...nie lg my bro,busy playin LEFT 4 DEAD....creepy owh..especially the witch,she was crying and it sound horrifying...If u shot her,she will jump at you...and the zombies is so many...theres this tym,my bro was circled by many zombies....I just laugh at him..
sooo....ya here i am enjoyin my weekend in a isnt it...hope my dad fixed the broadband a.s.a.p....okay la,i want to go play some more game...I've oways wanted to try Luna Online..the people in d r adorable...he he...dont blame me for admiring them..Im a girl-remember?
okay,gotta quit now..wanna continue playin...bye~
Monday, March 9, 2009
Tagged by Leona!
Hehe...before I sleep...I want to take this tag first...
1.Do you think you're hot?
wkakaka....funny..LOL...I think I am 100% not HOT
but Ms. Pat said*have to be confident*
so,might as well say I'm hot...haha
2.Upload a favorite picture of yourself.

3.Why do you like the picture?
bcoz i'm in my confirmation dress...
4.When was the last time you ate pizza?
I dont remember the date and time but i do know it was after last december when Joanne and her family belanja us aftr takin' our PMR not really into pizza but I'll definitely like that pizza! Thanx Joanne
5. What was the last song you listened to?
Halo by Beyonce
6.What are you doing right now besides this?
managing my blog and checkin' my MyYearBook profile..
7.What name do you prefer than this?
I love so many names BUT i think i want to stick with Jessica only la.
Those who will be tagged
1. Taiko Baby
2. Celynn * I hope she hadnt been tagged...if so,-sorry...*
3. Cat *he he*
4. Mc
5. Leno *sorry leno! I know u dont like it very much..
but u dont have to do it if u dont want*i dont have any choice*
8.Who is number 1?
si Taiko kunun..yg hp dia kana downgrade tu..
9.No3 having relaitionship with?
Ehem...ehem...sorry cat,sy tbatuk2 bha ni..
10.Say something about number 5
she's a good,nice and cute/pretty gal..
11.How about number 4?
she's funny, supportive and cute/pretty gal..
My supportive and an expert in HTML and XML and stuffs..
*untitled*(is this called title too?)
Oh ya,have you guys seen his new vid- Why did Chris Brown Hit Rihanna?havent? check it out on*click here*it will navigate you there*)
*trying to promote ryanhiga*haha...
Anyway,I changed my template after I knew from Leona and Jo-N that Leno has used Grumpy Toast before...I dont want to be accused Poser or anythin' I changed it...Sorry Leno...
And, we did -like 20% of our Edible Project today...thats a great achievement for us..since we did nothin last Saturday...So,thats how my life goes today...
I hate tomorrow.SCHOOL'S BACK!...argh! I'll be stressing myself again....with all those Exam's results -I think I could die right now..I HATE TOMORROW!
My to do list today~
-Get Myself ready to face FAILURE!
- Get a good voice for tomorrow's choir practice...
*Owh,I am -so gonna suck tomorrow*
- Get ready to get back to making food for Edible again!
Argh! Sometimes my life sucks!
Done screaming,
I better get some sleep now...
OMG!At last!
Now it's 2.17 in the morning and im still awake...right now,i've been sneakin' behind my parents back so that I can finish this layout/template..and it has been paid off...okay that's all from me...Hope you like this layouts...
x Jesz x
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Hah...wHat a VeRRRYY BADDDD DAy!
Early morning sdh kana marah MUM! So that really spoiled my mood for the whole day....I hate this! Luckily during choir practice,there's Audrey to calm me..but then,i started pissing off everybody again...cannot do well during Edible meeting just now at my house...I think cat,Leona and Celine are pissed at me for acting such a BAD ASS the whole time..SORRRRRRYYYYYY GALLLLSSS! I really am! i WANT TO APOLOGIZE FOR BEING RUDE AND BEINGS SO b*TCHY!*sorry for using that word*
I was disappointed too..especially with the Edible..its all the starch's fault..if it sticks,we would have finished something today...I even cried in front of my parents for it...and as usually.....THEY LAUGHS!!!!so jahat bha them....but when I think about it is really funny...I was acting kinda or more like a kid,who doesn't get her Ice-cream....LOL..
Hope we'll be able to finish it by MONDAY!..arg...luckily there's no choir on monday..awang wanna go celebratin'...haha..happy celebratin' AWANG!
Im so fuckin' HAPPY!
That all readers...toddles~
Tagged by Leon*lama sdh,bru skrang dpt bls*
The rules:
a. Read the rules.
b. Read the questions.
c. Answer the question truthfully.
d. Tag at least 8 people.
1. What letter does your name starts with?
2. How old are you?
15 til 25 June
3. Are you in high school or just graduated high school or in college?
high school or mid school?i dunno lar
4. What is the colour of your eyes?
dark brown
5. What is your body type? Be honest.
Im so skinny..*according to some source*..huhu
6. Are you a bi or gay or lesbian or straight edge?
7. Do you believe in love first sight?
8. Have you ever been in love?
Yup..*no comment*
9. If you answered "Yes" in question 8, what its like to be in love?
To be happy all the time eventhough people pissed you off...
10. What letter does ur bf/gf starts with?
*no comment*my lips are sealed*(its more to crush than bf)
11. Do you support abortion?
NO! People who abort,dont you even realise that you killed someone small and innocent?!
12. Have your heart ever been broken?
13. Would you protect your friends if they're in danger?
YA..haha..bak kata pepatah~demi genk~
14. Would you forgive your friend if he/she stabs you in the back?
15. Are you a caring person?
Sometimes I care,sometimes I don't.
16. Do you love your parents?
Ya...these days,they're the one who support me the most..
17. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
1 "tripp cool" brother and 2 adorable but annoying sisters
18. Do you like having brothers or sisters?
yeah,its fun when u can talk lyk ur fwens!!!
19. What is your favourite cursing word?
20. Do you like to curse?
I don't like cursing but mouth does...haha..@.@
21. Which celebrity that you think is hot?
ORLANDO BLOOM..+> he is so HOT!...haha...LOL
22. Which singer do you think is fake?
Lindsay Lohan!and VANESSA HUDGEN*what a fake*!
23. What can't you live without?
24. What do you treasured most in your life?
25. What are your current obsession?
I love evrything but right now?hrmmm..not really obsess with anything...
Last Question...
26. What is your favourite colour/s?
Black,pink,purple,and white...
so, Im-
Black- Loner. You have a dark soul in you and you like to be mysterious about your life.
White- Angel. You have a kind soul in you. You cared for the ones you love.
Pink- Sensitive. You're a soft-hearted person. You shed tears easily.
Purple- Lover. You'll fall for someone too fast. Get to know them first.
Solution to question number 25.
Black- Loner. You have a dark soul in you and you like to be mysterious about your life.
Blue- Calmer. Damn, its hard to make you angry. Why can't you get angry for once??
Red- Protecter. You are strong and you protect the ones you loved although you know you get killed.
Green- Peace lover. Aww, i'm proud of you. You love peace and you would do anything so you can make this world a better place to live.
Yellow- Likes to smile. You like to spread joy to the world. Good for you!
White- Angel. You have a kind soul in you. You cared for the ones you love.
Pink- Sensitive. You're a soft-hearted person. You shed tears easily.
Purple- Lover. You'll fall for someone too fast. Get to know them first.
tag by si Melonz*Zach* and Ju-ON!
First things first..this is not a test. This is not a drill.
This is just a game called "Tagged".Don't worry and don't be nervous!
Just be yourself for goodness sake xD
Everything Tagging Game comes with rules that you shall obey. The rules here are simple and easy to understand.Here are the rules..1. There are no rules!!2. Just answer the questions and tag the people you want to tag.The prepared.. answer truthfully..
1. Did you get many presents last X'mas? lar..more to "exchange presents"type of present...
2. Do you like what you got for X'mas?
At least i still got...people my age don't really get much or even have any..he he..
3. Did you even say "Thank you" to the person who gave you gifts?
Yeah!Thanx MUM DAd(eventhough dad didnt even choose anything BUT in the present got dad's name,ha ha..mum pinjam2 nama tue..)
4. If you can have anything in the world, what would you want?
Hrmmm...dunno..*clueless*...maybe get the chance to rule the world?*lame*@.@
5. Its the time of the year, your BIRTHDAY! Yay! So, you as usual want the best present for your birthday, what do you ask from your parents?
hrmm..dunno...maybe a new hp...he he @.@
*im so not getting it*
6. If you can love forever, what do you love for?
he love someone I would love?LOL....Maybe someone that mean the world to me and to love someone that actually love me back..hehe...
7. Okay, the last yet ultimate question..IF YOU CAN GIVE ANYTHING, WHAT WOULD YOU GIVE AND TO WHO?
*I GIVE HAPPINESS to all the people around the world*
haha..sound a lil freaky...but ya..i would give it to everyone so that we would not know Mr.Sad...
I want to tag;
whoever lar....
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
BUT..I was referring to ME...Struggling to STAY ALIVE!
Im so stressed rite now..keep thinking if I'd still be in the science stream next monday or Im dead...huhu..
I really ShyT'in FreaKin SUCK in ALL the subject I've taken from MONDAY til NOW...
BIOLOGY,the 1st paper...What I've read from Friday for BIOLOGY didnt even give and support me during the exam...that make me soooooo-freakin-FRUSTRATED...until I totally suck my SEJARAH!....I know,I know...i shouldnt be thinkin abt BIOLOGY during SEJ~but...I DID!
SEJARAAAAHHHHH!!!!! i could have gotten good mark in ESSAYYYY! IF ONLY I DIDNT GIVE THE WRONG ANSWER!..The essay was abt TAMADUN INDUS...bUT 100% of my ANSWER is abt TAMADUN MESOPOTAMIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sob*sob*(TEARS OF BLOOD)
YesterDay was a total DISASTER...I didnt fnish answering BM....yup..Ididnt answer the TATABAHASA part....*What Happen?*... As I was enjoying writing my RUMUSAN and Pemahaman And NOVEL.....
Me: lalalala.....*singin' wit a happy tune*
Teacher Judy : 20 minutes left....
Me : Lalalllllllllll..........WHATTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!
Me (again) : $*%@!%#~%^^$#^#@!^@~!#%%^^$@@!....*20 minutes later*...&%#@!~!&*())?"L*^%$#!........*and the word goes on and on and on and on*
and then Rueben david...ARGHHHH!!! I HATE HIM!!!!
Me : still "^@%$@#$!".....
Rueben DAVID: Jess, apa tema novel?
Me : *ARGHHHHH>>! sdh la org TAKANAN,ko p tya lagi?!
Me : huhu...kecekalan dan kegigihan......*dgn rela nya hati,tpaksa la bg or HE WILL NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE!*
Rueben : Persoalan?
Me : *tgh PANAS sdh tp bagi jg* ....huhu..Taat kepada Agama...
And then,tym to pass up oredy...after that~
Voices here and there,saying ...."ee,kau dpt ka jwb?" and "eee...susah cukup masa!" and a few more....If I tell,the list goes on forever....
And then...CHEMISTRY...ahhh..At least,ini boleh tlg sy lar~...
During the Exam
So Damn Hard owh!
I was really Damn Confuse with all the Chemical reaction and things abt Empirical formula and CHO2HO3*or watever that is*...Teacher Patricia told us to go to Xtra class on Thursday night..But it was postponed...
then replaced with Saturday afternoon,then postponed again!replaced on Monday.....
on Monday?! NO CLASS AT ALL!ARGHH!!!Teacher Pat didnt finish teaching us Chap 3 and we didnt even fully understand Chap 4~When going down....bla bla bla....~
and then, today~
From last week lg...This day would be marked as the EXTREMELY HARD-CONFIRM GAGAL-subject exam day... Add MATHs and PSYHIC!
I totally gonna fail ADD mATHS..
the simultaneous equation part? okay....but the one on the quadratic equation and the triangle and square thingy? =>blank basically...I didnt jawab 6 question...No. 2,3,4,5,9 and 10...No,12(c)(d) confirm Salah!
Physic...didnt turns out to be extremely hard..luckily~fuh!...can relax a bit..can jawab all but confirm many salah....But at least it is not a tough as CHEMISTRY(the subject that I thought would score me marks didnt turn out to as easy as I thought it would be)....Then Rueben pun blk2 tya again...I feel like he ask me answers in all of our paper...some I lied to him..I said "dunno"..then he said "tambirang!"...ergggghhhh! I feel like slapping him and kicking him and punching him....coz at that time,I was so stress oredy....and he sempat lg call me mcm2..luckily Im patient..he even CURSED me...."shyt kau blk la rueben..haha..."..but I dont dare to say those words during this lent season....
subject for 2morow :EST and P.MORAL...
after doing some exercises on EST..i feel a lil' bit relax oredy....I'll be hoping these subject would give me reasons to STAY ALIVE!haha..kiddin...I just hope that at least there's gonna be subjects that I wont fail...
Bha..p study lu...~toddles!~
Fuh..Edible next week's saturday oredy owh...and we havent done anything...bru mo start this friday...
Activity this month:-
~ Choir ( lawan peringkat zon owh..*a famous word these days..LOL*no more LOL*)
In the future, Maths Olympian...haha..dont care if we win anything as long as dapat kokum marks..peringkat kebangsaan owh...and the dancing thingy..dont know if it still-in-progress-and-will-be-done or not...k la,ByE!~