well,I think of that stuffs too....hehe...BUT this year got lil luck only lar....huhu...I only manage pungut less than RM 200 lor...huhu...wanna know why?It's all the FreakiN' School's Fault lar...I got to finish piles of Hwork ley....I went to Kuala Penyu for 2 days and I took the whole Wednesday to finish my Hwork...huhuhu...Itupun only 40% of my hwork was finished..huhu..TAKANAN owh!
But i really had fun in Kampong with my Cuzzies....hehehe...we took many pictures using my webcam that night...I was LOL-ing the whole night....haha..

Let's Cut Ashley's Brain Out!

Elmer Is Soooooo Cute! KawaII!...

Now playing: TohoShinki - Hey!(Don't Bring Me Down)
via FoxyTunes
Haha,lawak la kazen2 ko skalian jes!!!Casel nda join kmu??
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