although I really wanted to go karaoke with them them BUT damn broadband..they SUCKS sometimes!..But I really had much fun while me,leona , joanne and celynn took these pictures...I really tried my best not to laugh my head off coz my parents were sleeping upstairs...
~Some of the Pix that we took~

See! Told've seen nothin' yet..
I'm laughing my ass out at that..and now too.....
-Penyakit Wakaka strikes again!~

After seeing that, you haven't seen the other right? that is just 40% of it...haha...I'm happy reminds me of Enchanted we saw yesterday during BM class...Giselle look so innocent and the boys in our class started to shout,"Tekanan! Tekanan!" especially when Giselle discovered how to feel ANGRY!..hahaha...nyway, today I made my own version of Genk Karatz Vid...But so hard to upload that...anyway..toDDleS!~~
Mampuz sy ktawa!
Lawak woh kmu!!
Mcm tue ari d umah Jo-N jg..
Doi,jes kaC tayang lg muka sy yg mcm tai!!!!Malu saya oh!!!Ko ingat ko ja mo mampus ka von?!Kmi lg 2 ari smpi mum jes mara kn jes,haha!!!!E2 la ko x p!!!
memang lol lahhh !!!!
ahh muka leona mcm babi ...
hehehe...main2 ja ...
jga ko joan!!
lek bha ..mrs ma...hehehe tdk tau pun kamu ada ber-komen2 dia sini...kadang2 sy tdk kisah tu..haha..funny kan..ko nmpak ja tue gmbar dgn muka syyg berabis sdh ketawa tue..odoi,sy tgk blk pun mo pecah perut owh ketawa..
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