Ello...and Happy Enjoyin' the Chinese Celebration!
Just went to church this mornin' and I was so sleepy..Damn!I almost sleep in the church.....I really SUCKS...I told my sis that if I fell asleep,wake me up...I was really struggling to stay awake especially the part where the priest was preaching...huhu...Luckily,it was Father Fundes....huhu...
Then after that we went to Warisan Square...We had our Breakfast/Lunch at this restaurant called Hong KOng -Sumthin-...I don't really give a damn bout that restaurant...I really hate/will anti that restaurant for the rest of my life!...Damn/go to rotten hell those ARROGANT/sombong ja lebih chinese people....Just becoz we're locals...we don't have Dynasty Tang or whatever's blood in our vain doesn't mean we stupid or not special...we're the CUSTOMER which they have to give respect to....WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPEN?
I tell u what!We came to the restaurant and was sitted(okay,that's still the nice,nice part) BUT then,we ordered the menu...and I was like "okay,didn't I tell u guys that I hate EXPENSIVE chinese restaurant's food?" to my family...well,that's the fact la....I really hate them...coz the more expensive the restaurant gets,the more arrogant the people are;at least to me la,yg tdk tau cina langsong....So I leave it to my parents to order(coz FYI => I Really HATE expensive restaurant,I prefer the restaurant/gerai in KL we went last holidays,where it was run by CHinese people juga BUT nice ones...I love 'em eventhough they were strangers to me...hehe..my food only cost RM2.80 and it was worth it...)Okay samBong citer....So,the order taker(sorry,I don't know what they are called..Are they were called Waiter/treses too?) was takin' and busy talkin while I was busy takin' to him about my drinks which he doesn't here at all...so at last I raise my voice....okay,done with the order part...here comes the most BIKIN PANAZ part...The waiteress of the restaurant gave as the spoon and she was like just throwin' the spoon at us...it is similar to lie lempar-lempar sudu di meja....RUDE Betul...and my parents were like "PALAN-PALAN SIKIT BHA!WE PAY TO HAVE GOOD SERVICE!"And apa lagi..I joined too la...I almost blurted out my theory; more expensive the restaurant gets,the more arrogant the people are...haha.....Okay,now I'm mad after talkin about this topic...
After leavin that filthy place...I request my parents to go to TIMES bookstore...well,hehe...I want to find the Twilight sequel book of course..hehe...came back home afterhalf a day jln2 and feelin tired n' exhausted with an empty hand..huhu...maybe it finish stock oredy in KK..huhu...I wonder if there's still any bookstore that jual that book....huhu..want to go to the bookstore at 1B but it haven't done with the construction yet......
So after arriving Home....fell asleep on my tilam...and I sleep and sleep for 6 hours straight...huhu..and now I'm awake and tpaksa tolong my mum prepare food to cook for CNY..they said we'll be celebrating it in my Kampong => KUALA PENYU!!hehe..proud to have a little TATANA blood in ma vain....okay that's all peepS..Bub-bye..and happy celebrating CNY! But to those students2 all around the world especially Form 4 of SMSM...Don't furget YOUR ASSIGNMENT..Mwahaha...I want to STRESS ya'll....haha....Coz I'm stress too Babey!..haha...
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Still LOL-ing!
OMyGosh! I almost burst my tummy becoz of laughing today...it's all bcoz Joanne's webcam la dat...haha...I'm burst into tears just by seeing the stupid face that we make..
although I really wanted to go karaoke with them them BUT damn broadband..they SUCKS sometimes!..But I really had much fun while me,leona , joanne and celynn took these pictures...I really tried my best not to laugh my head off coz my parents were sleeping upstairs...

See! Told ya...you've seen nothin' yet..
I'm laughing my ass out at that..and now too.....
-Penyakit Wakaka strikes again!~
okay! LOL..why is it on ma face?!
although I really wanted to go karaoke with them them BUT damn broadband..they SUCKS sometimes!..But I really had much fun while me,leona , joanne and celynn took these pictures...I really tried my best not to laugh my head off coz my parents were sleeping upstairs...
~Some of the Pix that we took~

See! Told ya...you've seen nothin' yet..
I'm laughing my ass out at that..and now too.....
-Penyakit Wakaka strikes again!~

After seeing that, you haven't seen the other right? that is just 40% of it...haha...I'm happy today..LOL...it reminds me of Enchanted we saw yesterday during BM class...Giselle look so innocent and the boys in our class started to shout,"Tekanan! Tekanan!" especially when Giselle discovered how to feel ANGRY!..hahaha...nyway, today I made my own version of Genk Karatz Vid...But so hard to upload that...anyway..toDDleS!~~
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sedey owH~`
I Hate HiM sooo MucH...dia tau sdh sy suka dia,tp dia mo lg kasi Jealous sy...Sh*T btl...I alMosT Cry owh td..tyM BiO lah tue...I haTe hiM!!!!! I can be sOOO sensiTive sumtyms especially if it's about him...so,I told Cat about that...at leasT she unDersTAnD...ThanX Again CaT!!!hahaha....
I'm soo maD with Him owh....BuT still I can't get over him...WhY??I'm soo Sad...maybe this time,I really fell hard on him...ishk....bikin sakit hati...anD kesian diZ JoannE...Joanne yang kana aim jadi victim dia...jd VICTIMIZE!..huhu..Sorry Joanne!(hehe..apology bg pihak tu llaki..hehe)
Tlampau seday nie...when he's there,my feeling is stronger or more sensitive than ever owh..Like if that time,I'm happy..then,I'll be more happier if I see him...If I'm saD,better not get near me...
Anyway,2morow got KAWAD KAKI practice..our class was choosen to WAKIL school to go against other school...YEAY!!!! hope all the boys CooPerate....huhu..or it'll turn out to be disaster...
okay,that's all for today....DiZ hujan pun preTTy scary...got thunder and all that...and more scarier,I'm the only one wh's still awake..it all the Maths Hwork fault...huhu...k la...buB~ByE!
I'm soo maD with Him owh....BuT still I can't get over him...WhY??I'm soo Sad...maybe this time,I really fell hard on him...ishk....bikin sakit hati...anD kesian diZ JoannE...Joanne yang kana aim jadi victim dia...jd VICTIMIZE!..huhu..Sorry Joanne!(hehe..apology bg pihak tu llaki..hehe)
Tlampau seday nie...when he's there,my feeling is stronger or more sensitive than ever owh..Like if that time,I'm happy..then,I'll be more happier if I see him...If I'm saD,better not get near me...
Anyway,2morow got KAWAD KAKI practice..our class was choosen to WAKIL school to go against other school...YEAY!!!! hope all the boys CooPerate....huhu..or it'll turn out to be disaster...
okay,that's all for today....DiZ hujan pun preTTy scary...got thunder and all that...and more scarier,I'm the only one wh's still awake..it all the Maths Hwork fault...huhu...k la...buB~ByE!
DamN ! I haTe This SickNess!
That's what I'm having now...huhu...I had just forgot my password the other day...and I lost my text book for BM,BI and aDD Maths... and lost my pencil case with my new pendrive in it....and NOW....my CaLCULATOR...
Luckily, Celine phoned me and ask me about changing my templates for this blog....and I ask her about my calculator...then,she told me that Cat keep it for me.......THANX A LOT CATTTT!!!!!!!!LOVE YA!!!!haha...~~nasib~~....huhu..i panic nie at home searching for that calculator...its very important to me coz i'll be doin' the 2 subject about calculating...MATHS and aDD mATHs....ArgH~I can't live without my CALCULATOR~....(hehe...sbb mlas mo kira guna tgn)...
Lot of Hwork owh today....after 3 hrs of stuDy..I stiLL haven't manage to finish my MAths....huhu...told ya I can't live without my CALCULATOR....
That's what I'm having now...huhu...I had just forgot my password the other day...and I lost my text book for BM,BI and aDD Maths... and lost my pencil case with my new pendrive in it....and NOW....my CaLCULATOR...
Luckily, Celine phoned me and ask me about changing my templates for this blog....and I ask her about my calculator...then,she told me that Cat keep it for me.......THANX A LOT CATTTT!!!!!!!!LOVE YA!!!!haha...~~nasib~~....huhu..i panic nie at home searching for that calculator...its very important to me coz i'll be doin' the 2 subject about calculating...MATHS and aDD mATHs....ArgH~I can't live without my CALCULATOR~....(hehe...sbb mlas mo kira guna tgn)...
Lot of Hwork owh today....after 3 hrs of stuDy..I stiLL haven't manage to finish my MAths....huhu...told ya I can't live without my CALCULATOR....
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What a Day!
LooKs like aLmosT aLL of our Genk went to Joanne's house that day except for Celynn..huhu..it's all her cousin's fault...huhu...
I've just check ouT our genk's blog...it was design by Celynn and as always,the results is Very impressing evrytime..check this out- our new blog-<http://genkkaratz4ever.blogspot.com/>..haha..it was really cute...Kawaii as Jpanese used to say...haha...
Today is juSt another tiRing day...argH! BoreD at scHooL..wenT to audition for the dance pon tiba2 teda mood...Coz we were teached by our Teacher aka Student,<Corina,Mich,and Myra> which I consider theM as the PRO oneS...haha..weLL,I got to admit,I admire them....so Lecak diz bdan dorang...haha...Lecak smpai blh bend bdn cam Cicak...no la..I mean they r reaLLy proS..haha..LOL...Then,me and Col8 and Leona was like..'okayyyy....this is HARD'...We alMost Quit buT I decided to sTay a Lil' Longer coZ I saiD to Col8..."If I jusT quiT Like This,I might as well quit earlier and StuDy at HoME"...so,me and Col8 got into a little discussion (I don't paksa her la to ikut it and all that BUT maybe what I've said may let them to think that I paksa them) and we both agree that we'll quit if we had to audition again tomorrow coz today's audition didn't turn out to run smoothly...which made Leona to CONFIRMED quit from the auditioN..
But then...we were stnading in the rain with Nuthin' to do as the Dewan was used by the TRIPPINGS to play a lil' soccer...so that's explain why we didn't have nothin' to do...so,I want to confirmed with Corina if me and Colet are out or NoT...so,she kira2....and then she said if me and Col8 didn't quit,then they will have all the members that they need....she didn't actually say that we're in...she just said that 'if kamu tdk quit,then kt cukup org..."so,when I hear the word 'IF', I was like.."okay...make a CONFIRMED statement please, ARE WE IN OR WE"RE OUT?" but as always,I didn't actually say that out loud...it's just me talkin to myself...Eventhough Corina said that me and Col8 joined the dance but I can't be happy just yet....coz we haven't had the full statement from the other terer dancers...so,I'm still clueless about my position right now....huhu...But I oredy sign up for the choir team...So,basically, I pass the audition...
haha..Actually,there is no audition...Ckgu Awang said audition unnecessary if u got good voice but failed to come to the choir practice...So,me , Celynn, Leona and Colette sign up for it...But the other genk don't want to join..eee...sayang owh...
Today kan...byk kali oredy I was caught looking at HIM...and the one who caught me looking is the person himself...and I was like...'shYT,did he notice that?"..and my face was like SOOO RED and I realise that many times oredy Joanne ask me.."ko okay ka nie Jess?"...and I didn't answer her prperly...I just glared at her..haha..LOL.....WeLL,what can I say...I'm totally speechless when I'm embarressed...haha...of course la..siapa la bha yg tdk...Time Chemistry la tue yg byk kali...eee.."SHTYS HAPPENS!"...huhu..malu la sy...Then,Teacher Patty gave us a few subatomic particles exercises about the electron arrangmnt and bla..bla..bla...so at the end of the task,we were ask to tick other people's paper...it's like exchanging paper la...and Leona nie sengaja lagi bg His paper to me...and ask me to give it to him after correcting it but at last, I didn't even give it to him...instead,I ask Leona to pass it to his group's table...hahahaha...wakakaka...And at the end of the lesson,we were ask to line up.. then,his position is parallel to me(is the term correct?hehe..I don't give a damn about Maths right now)..then,Celynn said.."ee..selari owh!"and I was blushing..well,i hope she didn't see me blushing..haha...But a few second before Celynn said that,Cat was calling Oxford to say something about his paper...and I was like..searching for Oxford but accidentally I looked at him...okay,guys...it's just an accident,okay...annnndddd.....He caught me again..looking at him BUT it a mistake..just an accident..hahaha....LOL..
fuh!panjang juga crita nie...rajin owh me...kalu dipantau dri Blog genk lain(ui,ber-BM2 lg owh),only me yg rajin mo taip panjang2...haha...
huhu..better get some sleep now....i'm so tired after all those homework from mATHS to PsyHic to Sejarah NoteS....LuckiLy,no aDD MAths...
I've just check ouT our genk's blog...it was design by Celynn and as always,the results is Very impressing evrytime..check this out- our new blog-<http://genkkaratz4ever.blogspot.com/>..haha..it was really cute...Kawaii as Jpanese used to say...haha...
Today is juSt another tiRing day...argH! BoreD at scHooL..wenT to audition for the dance pon tiba2 teda mood...Coz we were teached by our Teacher aka Student,<Corina,Mich,and Myra> which I consider theM as the PRO oneS...haha..weLL,I got to admit,I admire them....so Lecak diz bdan dorang...haha...Lecak smpai blh bend bdn cam Cicak...no la..I mean they r reaLLy proS..haha..LOL...Then,me and Col8 and Leona was like..'okayyyy....this is HARD'...We alMost Quit buT I decided to sTay a Lil' Longer coZ I saiD to Col8..."If I jusT quiT Like This,I might as well quit earlier and StuDy at HoME"...so,me and Col8 got into a little discussion (I don't paksa her la to ikut it and all that BUT maybe what I've said may let them to think that I paksa them) and we both agree that we'll quit if we had to audition again tomorrow coz today's audition didn't turn out to run smoothly...which made Leona to CONFIRMED quit from the auditioN..
But then...we were stnading in the rain with Nuthin' to do as the Dewan was used by the TRIPPINGS to play a lil' soccer...so that's explain why we didn't have nothin' to do...so,I want to confirmed with Corina if me and Colet are out or NoT...so,she kira2....and then she said if me and Col8 didn't quit,then they will have all the members that they need....she didn't actually say that we're in...she just said that 'if kamu tdk quit,then kt cukup org..."so,when I hear the word 'IF', I was like.."okay...make a CONFIRMED statement please, ARE WE IN OR WE"RE OUT?" but as always,I didn't actually say that out loud...it's just me talkin to myself...Eventhough Corina said that me and Col8 joined the dance but I can't be happy just yet....coz we haven't had the full statement from the other terer dancers...so,I'm still clueless about my position right now....huhu...But I oredy sign up for the choir team...So,basically, I pass the audition...
haha..Actually,there is no audition...Ckgu Awang said audition unnecessary if u got good voice but failed to come to the choir practice...So,me , Celynn, Leona and Colette sign up for it...But the other genk don't want to join..eee...sayang owh...
Today kan...byk kali oredy I was caught looking at HIM...and the one who caught me looking is the person himself...and I was like...'shYT,did he notice that?"..and my face was like SOOO RED and I realise that many times oredy Joanne ask me.."ko okay ka nie Jess?"...and I didn't answer her prperly...I just glared at her..haha..LOL.....WeLL,what can I say...I'm totally speechless when I'm embarressed...haha...of course la..siapa la bha yg tdk...Time Chemistry la tue yg byk kali...eee.."SHTYS HAPPENS!"...huhu..malu la sy...Then,Teacher Patty gave us a few subatomic particles exercises about the electron arrangmnt and bla..bla..bla...so at the end of the task,we were ask to tick other people's paper...it's like exchanging paper la...and Leona nie sengaja lagi bg His paper to me...and ask me to give it to him after correcting it but at last, I didn't even give it to him...instead,I ask Leona to pass it to his group's table...hahahaha...wakakaka...And at the end of the lesson,we were ask to line up..
fuh!panjang juga crita nie...rajin owh me...kalu dipantau dri Blog genk lain(ui,ber-BM2 lg owh),only me yg rajin mo taip panjang2...haha...
huhu..better get some sleep now....i'm so tired after all those homework from mATHS to PsyHic to Sejarah NoteS....LuckiLy,no aDD MAths...
~~Just Another DaY at SchOOL~~
Just another day at school….luckily, we only have to stay at school until 1.00 p.m…even though it’s the most little I got to spend time at school…it felt like the day’s never gonna end…But I try to push myself to be strong…argh…I feel so tired…But at least I get the chance to him again today…and tomorrow….and tomorrowwwwww and tomorrrwww……
Leona told us today that there’s gonna be a choir and dance audition…I really want to join the choir…well,it’s for the merits of coz….haha…then I want to join the dance BcoZ I really like to DANCE…haha….even though its just for the performance on Teachers’ Day, but they said they need to audition people again….they say it only limited to 10 dancers only…Well, I really hope I’m one of them…hehehe…got homework again today…had to finish Chemistry and History notes…got to finish Maths exercises….During Moral,Teacher Flavia told us about what we’ll(my class) be doing in the future and about our career….Then,something struck me…I was like thinking by myself and asking “Am I going to University and stand alone and Work someday?huh?me?I don’t think I can do that…it’s just that I’m not matured enough…”huhu…I can’t possibly be working…Okay,I better end this topic or I’ll be stress even more than I am now…
Huhu…I think I fell in love with him the second time…ShYt!...I though I’ll be over him..-like forever…..BUT I went Head over heels on him again…It’s just that he so cute with his uncomb hair…ARGH!I’m so crazy….but I tell you what…To be honest,I really feel like taking picture of him…Now that I’m at home,I really MISS him a lot..God..I Miss Him so much…But I’m quiet sad about something..it just bothers me so much that I can’t sleep..LOL….Its just that I think he only considers me as a friend rather than the girl that likes him…OH God…I really hates this…I HATE THIS PART RIGHT HERE!!!!!I think its because that I was really like Happy-go-lucky with him instead of the previous serious girl I used to be when I’m with him…so,maybe he thinks that I got over Him already…I’m starting to cry now…Tears pouring SlowlY,Down these cheeks…Huhu…So,I think I’m just going to watch him from afar…even though he will have nice looking girl all around him and I’m crying behind him…But that’s okay…at least I had the chance to see him with wind bruising his hair…I really wanted to touch his hair…hahha…LOL…okay,now I really feel weird and awkward when I talked about him..It’s just that when I mention about him…It is concentrated on him and his handsome face…ahhhh…hahahaha…This is SOOOOOO FUNNY……I became a different girl when I talk about Him…I feel sweet,and cheeky,and goofy and girlish…and smiling all that time…haha…Okay…That’s all about me today folks…hahaha…..I will stop while I can or It goes on FOREVER!hahaha...ToTTLes~~~
Leona told us today that there’s gonna be a choir and dance audition…I really want to join the choir…well,it’s for the merits of coz….haha…then I want to join the dance BcoZ I really like to DANCE…haha….even though its just for the performance on Teachers’ Day, but they said they need to audition people again….they say it only limited to 10 dancers only…Well, I really hope I’m one of them…hehehe…got homework again today…had to finish Chemistry and History notes…got to finish Maths exercises….During Moral,Teacher Flavia told us about what we’ll(my class) be doing in the future and about our career….Then,something struck me…I was like thinking by myself and asking “Am I going to University and stand alone and Work someday?huh?me?I don’t think I can do that…it’s just that I’m not matured enough…”huhu…I can’t possibly be working…Okay,I better end this topic or I’ll be stress even more than I am now…
Huhu…I think I fell in love with him the second time…ShYt!...I though I’ll be over him..-like forever…..BUT I went Head over heels on him again…It’s just that he so cute with his uncomb hair…ARGH!I’m so crazy….but I tell you what…To be honest,I really feel like taking picture of him…Now that I’m at home,I really MISS him a lot..God..I Miss Him so much…But I’m quiet sad about something..it just bothers me so much that I can’t sleep..LOL….Its just that I think he only considers me as a friend rather than the girl that likes him…OH God…I really hates this…I HATE THIS PART RIGHT HERE!!!!!I think its because that I was really like Happy-go-lucky with him instead of the previous serious girl I used to be when I’m with him…so,maybe he thinks that I got over Him already…I’m starting to cry now…Tears pouring SlowlY,Down these cheeks…Huhu…So,I think I’m just going to watch him from afar…even though he will have nice looking girl all around him and I’m crying behind him…But that’s okay…at least I had the chance to see him with wind bruising his hair…I really wanted to touch his hair…hahha…LOL…okay,now I really feel weird and awkward when I talked about him..It’s just that when I mention about him…It is concentrated on him and his handsome face…ahhhh…hahahaha…This is SOOOOOO FUNNY……I became a different girl when I talk about Him…I feel sweet,and cheeky,and goofy and girlish…and smiling all that time…haha…Okay…That’s all about me today folks…hahaha…..I will stop while I can or It goes on FOREVER!hahaha...ToTTLes~~~
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I hate it when I started to 4get all of my passwords...luckily,I still remember my friendster' password or my life would be ruin 4eva...if I 4get that one,i'll surely 4get the others...and I have to make a new profile for the 5th time...and now I have a new BLOG!(my 2nd BLOG..hehe...still blame it on the forgetness disorder..well,I 4got the passworD)...well,i have no regretion on making a new blog as the 1st one is a total CRAP! I hate it....well,because (1) I hate it (2) I hate it and (3) I don't like it...huhu...i can't even find any good templates...i ask Celynn to help me with it but she can't...haha...wanna know why.......BECAUSE of the PASSWORD of course....hahaha...LOL...i'm feel so retarded!(coz what i'm sayin till this point doesn't make sense...)...sorry guys....i still had to work on my english.....so excuse me for my mistake...and i'm so sorry for all my lame jokes....i want to be funny BUT all my jokes doesn't make sense...
I am so... TOTALLY MISSING TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!Currently hearing DECODE by PARAMORE, the OST in Twilight....owh GOD,I miss Edward Cullen...he's so cute...I've been liking him since he was in Harry Potter:Goblet of Fire.....But I hate it when they end his character just by letting his character die in the movie....he starred as Cho's Boyfriend...Cho's the girl Harry had a crush on.....huhu...talking about Crush,i had just remembered about my crush on a guy in my school....I just couldn't 4get bout him...shyt!this is really hurtin' me...I hope I could 4get him sooner and just be FRIENDS...huhu...now,i'm hearing Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade which TOTALLY remind me of him...this song will always reminds me of him...i just don't no why....It doesn't even have any connection with my life but the song really suits him...hahaha....i'm so weird sometimes...my Genk knows that too...
Genk Karatz....
That what my group's being called.....It started just as a name to signifies our group...BUt then,we got on serious on it and build a PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATION on Fs...haha..BUT just for the 9 of us....but Kenny joined it all of the sudden...But that doesn't mean he's in the group.....okay,stop talking bout Kenny or it'll never ends.....haha..our GenG consist of:
- Me
- Leona(Group Leader) aka Kishona
- Celine aka Celynn ( no difference except the spelling)
- Catharina aka Cat (with a shorter name)
- Colette aka Col8 ( I just used my cousin's style on spelling her name as they have the same name)
- Joanne Aka Ju-on ( as the famous ghost...hahahahah...)
- Quinnie aka FISHBALL ( hahaha...it suits her coz of her rounded face)
- Yvonne aka U-Know Yunho, the group leader of a Korean Band which ME,CAT and Yvon admires the most,TVXQ/DBSK)but i don't know if they still admirer the band..me?i'm still in love with DBSK.......Yongwonhe TohoShinki!
- and Lastly,the last member entered our group, AUDREY aka Suts(Sutung in long name)hahah...until now I still don't know why they call her that....
Our group have been through a lot last year...some of us sometimes fight....some of us hated each other.....BUT Friendship Will Last Longer Than Anger......
That's why,at the end of each day, we would still held each other hand and go home happily...well,we didn't actually held hands coz our group leader doesn't like it....she thinks it too Girlish....haha...SORRY LEON!.....To be Honest, I hated it too......as much as her...that's why I can get along with her...when I started schooling in SM St. Michael, Penampang...Leona, Colette and Celine was my very Best Friends...and now,I still treat them as my Bestest Friends....Bcoz BFFs is the friends you had the first time you entered the school and still stick with you until now....because they didn't judge you the first time they introduced themselves to you...and I still remembered that ol' Suseela aka SUSHI who sat beside me the first time I entered the class.....She was so qiuet then,we didn't even talk to each other more than a minute.....huhu..well,except for school work...I miss her so much that now she went to study in Canada...hrmmm...what is she be doing right now?is she doing fine just like the first time I was in my new school?huhu....
I am so... TOTALLY MISSING TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!Currently hearing DECODE by PARAMORE, the OST in Twilight....owh GOD,I miss Edward Cullen...he's so cute...I've been liking him since he was in Harry Potter:Goblet of Fire.....But I hate it when they end his character just by letting his character die in the movie....he starred as Cho's Boyfriend...Cho's the girl Harry had a crush on.....huhu...talking about Crush,i had just remembered about my crush on a guy in my school....I just couldn't 4get bout him...shyt!this is really hurtin' me...I hope I could 4get him sooner and just be FRIENDS...huhu...now,i'm hearing Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade which TOTALLY remind me of him...this song will always reminds me of him...i just don't no why....It doesn't even have any connection with my life but the song really suits him...hahaha....i'm so weird sometimes...my Genk knows that too...
Genk Karatz....
That what my group's being called.....It started just as a name to signifies our group...BUt then,we got on serious on it and build a PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATION on Fs...haha..BUT just for the 9 of us....but Kenny joined it all of the sudden...But that doesn't mean he's in the group.....okay,stop talking bout Kenny or it'll never ends.....haha..our GenG consist of:
- Me
- Leona(Group Leader) aka Kishona
- Celine aka Celynn ( no difference except the spelling)
- Catharina aka Cat (with a shorter name)
- Colette aka Col8 ( I just used my cousin's style on spelling her name as they have the same name)
- Joanne Aka Ju-on ( as the famous ghost...hahahahah...)
- Quinnie aka FISHBALL ( hahaha...it suits her coz of her rounded face)
- Yvonne aka U-Know Yunho, the group leader of a Korean Band which ME,CAT and Yvon admires the most,TVXQ/DBSK)but i don't know if they still admirer the band..me?i'm still in love with DBSK.......Yongwonhe TohoShinki!
- and Lastly,the last member entered our group, AUDREY aka Suts(Sutung in long name)hahah...until now I still don't know why they call her that....
Our group have been through a lot last year...some of us sometimes fight....some of us hated each other.....BUT Friendship Will Last Longer Than Anger......
That's why,at the end of each day, we would still held each other hand and go home happily...well,we didn't actually held hands coz our group leader doesn't like it....she thinks it too Girlish....haha...SORRY LEON!.....To be Honest, I hated it too......as much as her...that's why I can get along with her...when I started schooling in SM St. Michael, Penampang...Leona, Colette and Celine was my very Best Friends...and now,I still treat them as my Bestest Friends....Bcoz BFFs is the friends you had the first time you entered the school and still stick with you until now....because they didn't judge you the first time they introduced themselves to you...and I still remembered that ol' Suseela aka SUSHI who sat beside me the first time I entered the class.....She was so qiuet then,we didn't even talk to each other more than a minute.....huhu..well,except for school work...I miss her so much that now she went to study in Canada...hrmmm...what is she be doing right now?is she doing fine just like the first time I was in my new school?huhu....
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